Kenosha County Planning &

Development Online Portal

The Kenosha County Permit Portal enables property owners and contractors to electronically submit and pay for certain Planning & Development-related and Highways-related applications for properties within the permitting jurisdiction of these offices. Communication is mostly electronic and upon permit approval permit fees can be paid via the portal with a no-fee credit card transaction. After fee payment, permit documentation is made available via the portal for printing/download by the applicant.

The following chart indicates the types of permits that can be applied for via the portal:

  • indicates you can utilize this website to apply for the associated permit.  You can progress with creating PUBLIC USER credentials at the top of this screen, login with said credentials and click “Apply for Permit” to get started.
  • indicates you cannot utilize this website/office – hover over for a hyperlink to appropriate office website that handles permitting.
Municipality Sanitary Permit*
(Septic Systems)
Zoning Permit Building Permit Local Municipality
Road Access Permit
County Highway
Access Permit
City of Kenosha
V. of Bristol
V. of Genoa City
V. of Paddock Lake
V. of Pleasant Prairie
V. of Salem Lakes
V. of Somers
V. of Twin Lakes
T. of Brighton
T. of Paris
T. of Randall
T. of Somers
T. of Wheatland

For more information about the Kenosha County Planning & Development Online Portal and gaining access you can read our informational handout or contact the Kenosha County Division of Planning & Development at (262) 857-1895. Provide feedback regarding this website.

* Sanitary permit applications must be applied for by and fees paid for by WI licensed MP & MPRS designated plumbing contractors on behalf of their clients.

* You must login with PUBLIC or CONTRACTOR account credentials in order to apply for a permit




